Other information

Statutory Policies

If you would like to request to see copies of any Todmorden High School policies or procedures, please contact us.

Our Behaviour for Learning policy, Careers Policy and Charging and Remissions policy can be found under the 'Key Information' menu.

Todmorden High School does not store biometric data for students and staff. Consequently we do not have a policy regarding biometric data.

Accessibility Plan


Admissions Policy


Data Protection Policy 

Equality Policy


Equality Objectives


Freedom of Information Policy


Relationships, Health and Sexual Education Policy

The SRE policy was developed in school, then shared with parents and carers in draft form. Via the weekly newsletter, parents and carers were directed to the draft policy on the website and invited to read it, and then share any comments or suggestions. As a result of this consultation, the final draft, published here, was produced.

RE Policy


Safeguarding Policy


SEND Local Offer


SEND Policy


Uniform Policy